Metode Menghitung Potongan Harga emas

Method of Calculating the Price of Gold Jewelry and the Cut Fee

The method of calculating the price of gold for types of jewelry and pure gold is different. Calculating the selling and buying price of gold you must understand before entering the world of gold investment because it has a large fee that must be paid.

Gold is one type of precious metal that is in great demand by residents. Gold as we know, one of which appears in the form of jewelry in the form of necklaces, rings, bracelets, and earrings. When processed into jewelry, gold is mixed with other materials that reduce the purity content. What is the Percentage of selling gold

Gold prices in Indonesia tend to always change and not infrequently continue to rise. Not only that, the value of gold prices did not shrink significantly. Because, if the price of gold falls in the dollar price, at the same time the dollar price against the rupiah will tend to strengthen.

Code and Gold Content

1. Light Gold Code

Light gold is gold that has a gold content of at the base of 50%. There are several codes that are often used for young gold circles, including the following.

Kode Emas 150 has a gold content of 15%. Has the name GB150 alias Gold Bond 150 when the necklace has 3.6 carats.

Gold code 300 has a gold content of 30%. Some stamps or codes include the heart code, A3, PR, LGT, L, 0, 3, HT, MT, DY, KY, Lotus, Hospital, Meter, N, Milligram, BMW, KH, HWT, UBS generally accompanied by the number 30 is 7.2 carats.

Gold code 333 has a gold content of 33.33% carats of this type of gold in jewelry of 7,9992 carats.

Gold code 375 has a gold content of 37.5%. Available in white gold and yellow gold. The codes are triangle, prism, A, Beta/ B, SA, HWT and UBS. Has a carat of 9 carats

Code gold 400 has a gold content of 40%. This gold content has not been found often because it has been replaced by 375 gold. It has 9.6 carats

Gold Code 420 has a gold content of 42% on the necklace. This gold is issued by HWT and UBS. When you buy abroad until you are given a 10k label. Has a carat of 10.08 carats

2. Old Gold Code

Old gold is gold whose levels are above 50%. The cost is definitely more expensive than light gold.

Gold code 14K585 or 585 displays a gold content of 58.5%. Code 14K585 is often encountered when jewelry is purchased overseas. Has a size of 14.04 carats.

Kode Emas 700 has a gold content of 70%. This gold code is KH, MT, SG, JR, S22, HWT, UBS and is available with the sun logo. Has 16.8 carats.

Gold code 750 has a gold content of 75%. Has Prisma code 750, 18K, AYU, MT, HT, JR, Citra, KH, HWT and UBS. Has 18 carats.

Gold Code 833 has a gold content of 83.3%. Very rarely found on the market with 19,992 carats.

Gold code 850 has a content of 85% and is 20.4 carats.

Gold code 21K875 or 875 has a content of 87.5%. Many made in Arabia have as much as 21 carats.

Code Gold 22K 916 has a content of 91, 6%. This type of gold commonly found in Kendari, Bali, Dubai, Bangkok has a size of 21,984 carats.

Gold code 23K95 or 958 has a content of 95.8% and has the highest carat content of 22,992 carats.

Examples and Methods for Calculating the Price of Gold Jewelry and the Cost

Method of Calculating the Price of Gold Jewelry and the Cost

In fact, there is no special formula for calculating jewelery gold. You can set the price from the latest gold selling price and reduce the cost of cutting fees.

1. Know the Latest Gold Price

Before planning to sell gold, know in advance what the current gold price per gram is.

2. Multiply the Gold Price by the Carat Content

In general, you can explore the formula for the value of the gold content in percent units multiplied by the price of gold at that time by the carat content.

3. Gold Counting Formula

Gold Price x Gold Carat Content

For example, you have a gold jewelry bracelet coded 750 containing 18 carats worth and the purchase price is IDR 6,900,000 in May 2021. You want to sell the gold to a jewelry store. If you explore the calculation of the current gold price in March 2022, what is the selling price?

For example, as of March 2022, the price of 24 carat gold is priced at Rp. 1,000,000. On the other hand, you buy gold in May 2021 at a price of Rp. 965,000.

Code 750 has a content value of 75% of 24 carats with the calculation of 75/100 x 24 = 18 carats.

Gold Buy Price:

Until the purchase price of 1 gram of 18 carat gold in May 2021 is 75% x 965,000 = nearly Rp 725,000

This means that the bracelet you have = as heavy as the purchase price: with a price of one gram = 6.900,000: 725,000 means you have approximately 9 grams of gold.

So 9 grams x 725,000 = Rp. 6,525,000

Until the price of gold has not been listed, fees = Rp. 6,900,000 - Rp. 6,525,000 = Rp. 375,000

Well, let's just say the rest is IDR 375,000, which is the fee paid, generally in the range of 10-30%

Next, after knowing the purchase price in May 2021, now calculating from what will be sold in March 2021

Gold Selling Price

On the other hand, the purchase price of 1 gram of 18 carat gold in March 2022 is 75% x 1,000. 000 = IDR 750,000

And the price of 9 grams of gold x 750,000 = Rp. 6,725,000

Usually, various fees are charged, for example, a reasonable discount of Rp. 20,000-30,000/gr, on the other hand, special discounts of Rp.50,000-80,000/gr.

For example, 9 grams of gold is subject to a fair discount of IDR 30,000/gr so for a cut price of 9 grams it is 9 x IDR 30,000 = IDR 270,000

Until the final result, the highest selling price of gold should be 6,725,000-270,000 = Rp 6,455. 000

However, the final selling price depends on the shop where you want to sell the gold. You can only get your jewelry valued at IDR 6,000,000

It can be concluded that if you want to invest in gold jewelry, you must recognize that the risk of cutting is very large. You should invest in pure metal gold, such as Antam's bars.

Because gold jewelry has a variety of carat content and different calculations compared to gold bars or pure gold.

For those of you who want to sell gold jewelry, have you understood that you override the calculation of the selling price?

In order not to lose money, first identify the price of gold and when to sell. Curious right? Let's follow this:

Want to Sell Gold? When and how much?

Why do many people think of gold or precious metals as an investment instrument?

Gold or precious metals are one of the most popular investment alternatives, because gold has some universal advantages, among others:

Gold is generally liquid and not easily eroded by inflation

Gold or precious metal costs tend to be normal let alone go up

Gold is not easily damaged and easy to put, for example in the event of a flood or fire, gold is more convenient than cash

It is true that there may be a decline in the price of gold, the name of investment is that there is always a risk and there are price fluctuations. But in the long run gold is considered more comfortable because like property, gold also continues to be very rare.

This scarcity will cause the price of gold to continue to rise. It fits the logic, where with constant demand and decreasing supply, the price of an item will continue to rise.

Well, gold is usually used as an investment instrument in the form of gold bars. However, it is not often that investors choose the form of gold jewelry in investing.

Not only investing, gold jewelry is indeed a woman's best friend that can be used to make a beautiful appearance.

However, in this Covid-19 pandemic, many have been forced to give up their gold jewelry for other needs. Is it appropriate to sell gold jewelry at a time like this? What is the selling price?

Let's follow the full discussion below:

#1 When is the Right Moment to Sell Gold?

For some people, selling relics including precious metals or gold that have been placed as a way to survive in this pandemic situation.

What is the right decision to sell gold at a time like this?

One of the Gold Shop owners in the Cikini area, Central Jakarta, explained that this is the right moment to sell gold.

For him, at this time the price of gold is still high as a result of being triggered by global sentiment due to the suppression of several giant countries of the world economy. So, now is the right time for people to release their precious metal.

#2 What is the Selling Price of Gold?

Well, if you also decide to sell gold jewelry in the near future, of course you also need to know what the selling price of gold is and how to calculate it.

You need to know, in the last few years the price of gold has continued to soar. For some people who have invested in gold this is certainly good news. Moreover, this value continues to rise in this state of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Gold analysts and directors of futures companies predict that Antam's gold selling price can penetrate Rp 1 million/gr, if the global gold price penetrates USD 1,800 per troy ounce.

This is because the United States reportedly spent a stimulus of USD 2.2 trillion in April and May 2020, because it is still facing economic pressure due to this pandemic.

Not only that, the Indonesian government's policy of selling bonds must have a big influence on the surge in gold prices. As an illustration, Finansialku has a short video about things that affect the price of gold.

Not only these pieces, there are also gold shops that practice fair cuts for jewelry that are resold by buyers with a range of IDR 5,000 to IDR 10,000 per gram.

So, when added to the cost, the value of the buyback margin can be Rp. 20,000 to Rp. 50,000 per gram of goods.

One more thing you need to pay attention to, for items received in damaged condition, usually gold shop owners have 2 policies.

Initially, if the item can still be repaired, they will use a revision fee to the buyer in addition to a fair discount.

And the second policy, if the object is not allowed to be repaired because the damage is very severe, usually the shop owner will share the price of fused gold with the buyer.

#3 Calculation Example of Selling Gold Jewelry

The assumption that the gold jewelry you own is 2 grams of 18 carat yellow gold (Selling price as of August 8, 2020: IDR 1,250,000 per 2 grams)

The condition of the gold is new and still in good condition

If you use the example of the gold shop policy above, the discount that applies is a new gold discount of IDR 50,000 per gram and a fair discount of IDR 10,000 per gram. Because the gold jewelry is in good condition so there is no revision fee.

Until the buyback value is as follows:

Rp1.250.000–( 2*Rp50. 000)–( 2*Rp10.000)

= Rp1.130.000

Well, from this example you can estimate how much value you can receive when selling gold jewelry.

For details, please visit the nearest gold shop or your subscription, because the discount value and policies of each store are different.

Here we will only describe how you estimate the selling value of your gold jewelery given the circumstances.

Tokomas Saerah's Ownd


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